Bird Watching

This page lists all the bird species that have been observed in Alvaston Park.

If you see a bird that is not in the list please contact and include a picture if possible.

New arrivals to the park were stock doves in March 2020 and more recently a little egret was spotted in December 2022. A surprise day time sighting of a tawny owl has also been photographed and reported in April 2023. Thank you to all the park visitors who reported their sightings and please keep spotting!

Also a new resident in the park is the ring-necked parakeet - or more precisely, lots of parakeets. They are now well established here and in the surrounding area.

A late sighting of swifts was reported on 25 August 2024 when five swifts were seen flying high above the lake. This is late to see swifts as they normally start to migrate from mid July onwards. Keep a watch and see if any more can be spotted.

Click on a bird image and you will be directed to the appropriate page of the RSPB website for the particular species.

Barnacle goose Latin name: Branta leucopsis
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Blackbird Latin name: Turdus merula
Family: Thrushes

Black-headed gull Latin name: Larus bidibundus
Family: Gulls and terns

Blue tit Latin name: Parus caeruleus
Family: Types of tit

Canada goose Latin name: Branta canadensis
Family: Ducks, geeese and swans

Carrion crow Latin name: Corvus corone
Family: Crows

Chaffinch Latin name: Fringilla coelebs
Family: Finches

Collared dove Latin name: Streptopelie decaocto
Family: Pigeons and doves

Eurasian Coot Latin name: Fulica atra
Family: Rails, crakes and coots

Cormorant Latin name: Phalarcrocorax carbo
Family: Cormorants and shags

Dunnock Latin name: Prunella modularis
Family: Accentors

Egyptian goose Latin name: Alopchen egyptiacus
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Fieldfare Latin name: Turdus pilaris
Family: Thrushes

Gadwall Latin name: Anas strepera
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Goosander Latin name: Mergus merganser
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Great crested grebe Latin name: Podiceps cristatus
Family: Grebes

Great tit Latin name: Parus major
Family: Types of tit

Great spotted woodpecker Latin name: Dendrocopos major
Family: Woodpeckers

Green woodpecker Latin name: Picus viridis
Family: Woodpeckers

Grey heron Latin name: Ardea cinerea
Family: Herons, storks and ibises

Grey wagtail Latin name: Motacilla cinerea
Family: Pipits and wagtails

Greylag goose Latin name: Anser anser
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Goldcrest Latin name: Regulus regulus
Family: Kinglets and firecrests

Goldfinch Latin name: Carduelis carduelis
Family: Finches

House sparrow Latin name: Passer domesticus
Family: Sparrows

Kingfisher Latin name: Alecedo atthis
Family: Kingfishers

Lapwing Latin name: Charadriidae
Family: Plovers

Little egret Latin name: Egretta garzetta
Family: Herons, storks and ibises

Little grebe Latin name: Tachybaptus ruficollis
Family: Grebes

Long-tailed tit Latin name: Aegithalos caudatus
Family: Long-tailed tits

Magpie Latin name: Pica pica
Family: Crows

Mallard Latin name: Anus platyrhynchos
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Mistle thrush Latin name: Turdus viscivorus
Family: Thrushes

Moorhen Latin name: Gallinula chloropus
Family: Rails, crakes and coots

Mute swan Latin name: Cygnus olor
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Pied wagtail Latin name: Motacilla alba yarrellii
Family: Pipits and wagtails

Pochard Latin name: Aythya ferina
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Redwing Latin name: Turdus iliacus
Family: Thrushes

Reed warbler Latin name: Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Family: Warblers

Ring-necked parakeet Latin name: Psittacula krameri
Family: >Parrots

Robin Latin name: Erithacus rubecula
Family: Old World flycatchers & chats

Shoveler Latin name: Anus clypeata
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Starling Latin name: Sturnus vulgaris
Family: Starlings

Stock dove Latin name: Columba oenas
Family: Pigeons and doves

Tawny owl Latin name: Strix aluco
Family: Owls

Treecreeper Latin name: Certhia familiaris
Family: Treecreepers

Tree sparrow Latin name: Passer montanus
Family: Sparrows

Tufted duck Latin name: Aythya fuligula
Family: Ducks, geese and swans

Woodpigeon Latin name: Columba palumbus
Family: Pigeons and doves

Wren Latin name: Troglodytes troglodytes
Family: Wrens